The Romans came into Asia Minor (Turkey) in the 2nd Century B.C. Shortly they called Ephesus as their capital city in Turkey. In the Roman period Ephesus had about 250.000 populations. The Romans were not the only ones in Anatolia at that time. The Spartans, The Pontus and Egyptian were also around. The Romans had lots of wars against them for a long time. In the Black sea Region of Turkey there was a very important Empire named Pontus.

In the first century B.C. King Mithridates Eupator the fifth was the leader of the Pontus Kingdom. He attacked cities which were under reign of Roman Empire. In 88 B.C. he occupied Ephesus and killed over 80.000 Roman citiziens. After four years, in 84 B.C. Romans sent an army under the leadership of General Memmius. He was the grandson of Sulla. Memmius beat Mithridates. After four years, Ephesus became a Roman city again.

People of Ephesus erected this monument in the first century B.C. to show their greeting to Memmius and his grandfather Sulla. This monument is opposite the Domitian Temple in the center of the city. It has been restored; some statues and reliefs that are representing Memmius Monument and Sulla are visible.